Platform Independence

egeniouss is developed as an application-independent service, highly advantageous for a wide array of location-dependent or location-reliant applications. Designed with platform independence in mind, egeniouss is accessible through a versatile API, ensuring seamless deployment across various devices, including mobile phones, drones, and a wide range of robots. By leveraging the Robot Operating System (ROS), egeniouss provides a flexible and adaptable solution that can be easily integrated into different platforms. 

This approach supports a variety of applications such as urban rail systems, autonomous driving, driver assistance systems, and VR/AR environments, future-proofing the solution for emerging devices and technologies. 

During the project runtime, egeniouss will demonstrate its performance and versatility with three complementary use cases, showcasing its reliability, accuracy, and low latency. These use cases include 

  • smartphone-based surveying with the industry-leading app QField,  
  • drone delivery beyond visual line of sight and in urban areas,  
  • cycle navigation with the popular app Naviki in a dense city environment. 

Partners involved
